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4. Cloud Strategy for the Public Administration

Currently, most public services are delivered through PA data centres that often lack sufficient capabilities to ensure adequate standards of reliability and resilience. Achieving and maintaining such standards requires investments and skills that are not currently available in many central and local public administrations. In this context, the Italian Cloud Strategy is intended as an implementation methodology of the “Cloud-First” policy, a key pillar of the digitalization process of the PA as identified in the Italian PNRR. This will guide and encourage the safe, controlled and complete adoption of Cloud technologies for the PA, with the aim, in the long run, that all the services provided are based on “Cloud-native” applications, i.e. natively developed on the basis of Cloud paradigms.

The Cloud Strategy for the PA is therefore based on the following strategic guidelines:

1. Classification of Data and Services: definition of a data classification process to guide and support the migration of PA data and services to the Cloud;

2. Qualification of Cloud Services: implementation of a systematic process of scrutiny and qualification of Cloud services usable by PA;

3. National Strategic Hub: creation of a national infrastructure for the provision of Cloud services, whose management and control are autonomous from non-EU actors.

The implementation of these macro-actions will make it possible to harmonise and regulate the adoption of the Cloud in the PA, as well as to apply economies of scale to encourage a reduction in management costs by offering more reliable and resilient digital services.

Figure showing the guidelines of the Cloud Strategy.

4.1 Classification of Data and Services

In light of the technological and regulatory challenges concerning the broad spectrum of available Cloud services, Cloud adoption must be adequately regulated so as to mitigate the systemic risks involved. The key element for such regulation is to identify a systematic process of classification of data and services managed by PAs, the result of which can be used to standardise and steer the process of migration to the PA Cloud. To this end, the classes of data and services are identified on the basis of the damage that their compromise, in terms of confidentiality, integrity and availability, would cause to the country system. These classes are:

  • Strategic: data and services which, if compromised, may have an impact on national security;
  • Critical: data and services the impairment of which could be detrimental to the maintenance of functions that are important to society, health, safety and the economic and social well-being of the country;
  • Ordinary: data and services the impairment of which does not cause the interruption of state services nor, in any case, damage the economic and social well-being of the country.

This classification leaves aside specific regulations and security requirements; it only focuses on the possible impact on the country. The application of the classification process, which is outlined below, will allow an informed analysis of the impacts and the applicable class, as well as the identification of the appropriate security and regulatory requirements. For example, data and services related to essential state functions and services, i.e. identified within the scope of the Perimetro Sicurezza Nazionale Cibernetica (PSNC), will be classified as Strategic, citizen health data will be classified as Critical, while data and services related to institutional web portals will be classified as Ordinary.

4.2 Qualification of Cloud Services

Public administrations acquire Cloud services through procurement procedures which are not flexible enough to keep up with the market development and, most of all, do not allow the appropriate evaluation of the technical and organisational risks involved in adopting a specific service.

In the context of facilitating and guiding the implementation of the “Cloud-First” policy for the PA, it is crucial to provide an ex-ante qualification schema for Cloud services that can be purchased by the PA. This qualification, starting from the experience gained by AgID, aims at simplifying and regulating the adoption of Cloud services both from a technical and an administrative point of view. In light of the presented challenges and the spectrum of cloud services considered, the qualification of Cloud services should include the analysis of the following aspects:

1. Operational management of Cloud services, with details of the technical and organisational standards [8], and data control measures applied;

2. Security requirements applied in data management and service delivery, such as encryption keys management policies and security controls;

3. Service conditions applied to service delivery and reporting, such as availability guarantees and contractual instruments available to administrations.

On the basis of the analysis of the technological and organisational solutions available on the market, the three aspects of the analysis make it possible to identify ex ante the following qualification of Cloud services.

The spectrum of Cloud services varies from:

  • Public Not Qualified (extra-EU / EU), for which control tools on data and services are essentially non-existent;
  • Qualified Public Cloud (EU) services ensuring compliance with relevant legislation (e.g. GDPR and NIS), with technical and organisational security requirements typically through the use of granular encryption systems managed by the CSP provider [9], and allow greater control over the data and services managed;
  • The use of solutions based on Public Clouds with on-premise control of security mechanisms, i.e. Encrypted Public Cloud (IT), significantly increases the available level of control over data and services, introducing greater autonomy from non-EU CSPs in the operational management and control of technology infrastructures [10];
  • Private and Hybrid Cloud solutions allow additional isolation from the public regions of the main CSPs, ensured through operational management performed by a designated provider under the surveillance and monitoring of the national authorities. These implementations can be divided in two groups: those based on hyperscaler technology licensed from one or more CSPs, i.e. Licensed Private/Hybrid Cloud (IT), and those implemented using commercial technologies that are qualified by means of technological scrutiny and certification procedures, i.e. Qualified Private Cloud (IT).
Figure showing Cloud Services classification.

The qualified Cloud services shall be used, according to the data classification outcome, enforcing the following constraints:

  • The Qualified and Encrypted Public Cloud offerings shall host ordinary data and services;
  • The Encrypted Public Cloud, the Licensed Private/Hybrid Cloud shall host critical data and services;
  • The Licensed Private/Hybrid and Qualified Private Cloud shall host strategic data and services.
Figure showing usage of Cloud Services classification

The process of qualification of Cloud services, in order to simplify the adoption of Cloud services in the PA should end with the creation of an electronic marketplace of qualified Cloud services [11]. This marketplace should be the means by which administrations are guided, in accordance with the data and services classification process, in the choice of the Cloud services that are most suitable for them and can be purchased through simplified and pre-negotiated administrative tools.

4.3 The National Strategic Hub

The rationalisation and enhancement of security and reliability of the PA’s multiple data centres involves the development of a new IT infrastructure that is able to serve the multiple PAs located throughout the country: the National Strategic Hub (NSH, known in Italian as “Polo Strategico Nazionale” - PSN) [12].

The NSH aims to equip the PA with Cloud technologies and infrastructures that can benefit from the highest guarantees of reliability, resilience and independence. To this end, the NSH will be geographically distributed throughout the country and located at the most suitable sites [13], in order to ensure adequate levels of business continuity and fault tolerance. The operational management of the NSH will be entrusted to qualified national providers on the basis of appropriate technical and organisational requirements. The providers will have to ensure control over the data in accordance with the relevant legislation, and it should help the PA to negotiate appropriate contractual conditions with Cloud Service Providers.

The NSH should allow the PA to guarantee, by design, compliance with security requirements, e.g. PSNC and NIS, and should enable the migration - which may in a first phase be performed via a lift-and-shift process - to IaaS and PaaS Cloud service models.

According to the classification provided in the previous section, the NSH will offer the Encrypted Public Cloud (IT) services, i.e. it will support for instance, on-premise encryption tools integrated on a Public Cloud for the PA, and the spectrum of private Cloud services, i.e. the Licensed Private/Hybrid Cloud (IT) and the Qualified Private Cloud (IT).

In accordance with the classification and qualification procedures, the aim of the NSH is to support central administrations and the main local administrations, e.g. regional PA, local health authorities and metropolitan cities.

Figure showing Italy's map of PA data centres prevision.
[8]For example, the international standards ISO 27017/27018, ISO 22301 and CSA STAR.
[9]These services include, for example, the use of key management systems (KMS), based on special hardware modules (i.e. HSM).
[10]For example, by using an on-premise HSM to manage the keys used to encrypt data on the Public Cloud.
[11]This proposal is similar to what has already been successfully implemented in other countries, e.g. the UK Digital Marketplace
[12]As provided for in Article 33-septies, paragraph 4, of the Decree-Law of 18 October 2012, no. 179, converted, with amendments, by Law No. 179 of 17 December 2012. 221.
[13]Examples include the physical security levels of data centers, mitigation of natural disaster risk and integration with multiple connectivity sources.