Docs Italia beta

Public documents, made digital.

Annex E: Summary table of the elements required for the decision-making process

In order to facilitate the comparative assessment, through a decision-making process for public administrations, which takes into account the information contained in Article 68 as well as Article 69 of the CAD, reference shall be made to the following summary framework:

Solut ions Artic le 68 Oblig ation to reuse Artic le 69 (1) Oblig ation to acqui re owner ship Artic le 69 (2) Oblig ation for econo mic asses sment (TCO) Artic le 68 (1a) Oblig ation for techn ical asses sment Artic le 68 (1b) Ensur ing inter opera bilit y betwe en publi c admin istra tions Artic le 68 (1a) Secur ity guara ntees Artic le 68 (1a) Priva cy law compl iance Artic le 68 (1a) Adequ ate servi ce level s Artic le 68 (1a)
Softw are devel oped on behal f of the publi c admin istra tion Yes Yes Yes, with the excep tion of acqui sitio n Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
The reuse of softw are or parts there of devel oped on behal f of the publi c admin istra tion Yes, only in the case of modif icati on Yes Yes, with the excep tion of acqui sitio n Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Free softw are or open sourc e code Yes, only in the case of modif icati on No Yes, with the excep tion of acqui sitio n Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Softw are usabl e in cloud compu ting mode Yes, only for softw are alrea dy owned by or imple mente d ad hoc for the PA Yes, only for softw are alrea dy owned by or imple mente d ad hoc for the PA Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Propr ietar y softw are throu gh use of a user licen ce No, excep t for softw are creat ed to enabl e appli catio n inter opera bilit y (e.g. API) No, excep t for softw are creat ed to enabl e appli catio n inter opera bilit y (e.g. API) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Softw are combi natio n of the previ ous solut ions Yes, only for softw are alrea dy owned by or imple mente d ad hoc for the PA Yes, only for softw are alrea dy owned by or imple mente d ad hoc for the PA Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes