Annex A: Guide to publishing software as open source¶
This guide is aimed at administrations that, as owners of software, wish to release it in open source mode (open source code). The guide can be used by anyone responsible for carrying out the activities described therein: the internal resources of the administration, the administration’s in-house company, a service provider identified by the administration. The term ‘Responsible party’ is equally applied in the description of activities for all three categories.
The guide has also been produced in order to be annexed to technical specifications in the context of a contract; in this case the Responsible party is required to carry out the activities described in this document as an integral part of the contract, in addition to that specified in the remainder of the specifications.
The following convention will be adopted in the document:
- MUST/MUST NOT: mandatory requirements to be met by the Responsible party;
- SHOULD/SHOULD NOT: recommendations to be assessed and implemented by the Responsible party if there are no documented reasons for obstruction;
- MAY/MAY NOT: choices that the Responsible party may make at their discretion.
This document illustrates the technical methods with which software owned by a public administration is released in open source mode (open source code). The activities listed below are attributed to the party made responsible (Responsible party) for the code by the public administration.
The regulatory context is as follows:
- Article 69(1) of the Digital Administration Code requires that
‘Public administrations that are owners of solutions and computer programs made to specific specifications of the public client, have the obligation to make the relevant source code available, complete with documentation and released in public repository under an open licence, for use free of charge for other public administrations or for legal entities wishing to adapt them to their own requirements, except when there are ‘justified reasons of public order and safety, national defence and electoral consultations’.
- The AgID guidelines (hereinafter referred to as the ‘guidelines’) provide further details on this obligation, detailing the reuse model outlined by law and defining the main parameters for the choice of licence and the release of the code.
The methods described in this document are inspired by the best practices adopted in open source development. In addition to the instructions provided here, please refer to the guide for suggestions on how to approach the work correctly.
Identifying the code hosting tool¶
The owner administration of the software must identify a code hosting tool to be used for the release. The AgID guidelines specify the minimum technical parameters, which are listed here for convenience:
- Free read access to the source code, without authentication;
- Free and unobstructed registration, open to the public;
- A web interface for viewing and browsing the code and its documentation;
- The use of a version control system with the functionality of managing parallel branches of development;
- An issue tracker system open to the public for read access without authentication and for write access following authentication;
- Implementation of at least one flow for sending modifications, code review and integration of the modification, fully managed by the tool, open to the public;
- A release management system;
- Availability of an API to interface with the tool and extract data and metadata related to the repositories.
The following code hosting tools comply with these requirements and are recommended because of their reputation and international popularity:
- GitHub - (free of charge);
- BitBucket - (free or self-hosted for a fee);
- GitLab -
- Phabricator/Phacility -
- Gitea -
- Gogs -
This list is intended to be illustrative and not exhaustive.
The administration that owns the rights will advise the Responsible party of a code hosting tool to be used for the release; in the absence of such advice, the Responsible party may propose a tool of their preference.
The identified platform MUST be available and maintained independently of the current process, i.e. it MUST be provided in SaaS mode by third parties or be established by the awarding administration or by another administration for more general purposes than the current project.
If the software is a derivative of other existing open source software, the same platform SHOULD be adopted in order to take advantage of its collaborative capabilities.
If the administration already has its own area (‘organisation’) within the identified code hosting tool, access will be granted to the Responsible party’s contact persons. Otherwise, the Responsible party will open an account with the agreed tool; the name of the area will reflect the project and not the name of the administration, nor will it refer to the Responsible party; furthermore, the Responsible party will provide the administration with access to the tool with the highest authority. The administration will remain the owner of the area even after the conclusion of this process.
Within the chosen tool, the Responsible party will open a repository to host the software in development. If the process is divided into several logically distinct components with independent purposes, provided that they are undertaken individually, documented and reused separately, distinct repositories MUST be opened.
The link to the repository must be recorded in the software interface available to the public (e.g. with a link in the page footer or within the help section) so that it is possible for the user to find the version of the code as it is in execution.
Choosing a licence¶
The open licence to be adopted must be identified by the administration in the specifications or agreed upon in execution, in accordance with the guidelines. The Responsible party MUST ensure the compatibility of this licence with those of any reused or incorporated components, with or without modifications, for which the rights are not owned (e.g. libraries, graphical assets), including those owned by the Responsible party themselves. If these components are in separate files, the separate licence MAY be maintained as long as this is permitted by the licenses and the relative files clearly indicate the different licence and the owners of the economic exploitation rights.
Granting of the licence and identification of ownership¶
In order to apply the selected licence to the material to be released, a file called LICENCE must be created in the root of the repository, containing the full text of the chosen licence, without any modification. The original texts are available at The applied licence MUST be identified through its SPDX full name (or identifier) at the beginning of each source file, so that automatic metadating of the used licences is made easier.
We recommend reading the guide for further recommendations on applying the licence to different file formats.
Pursuant to Article 69(2), of the Digital Administration Code, the holder of the rights to be specified in the source code MUST be the awarding administration, which has acquired ownership.
Identification of materials to be released¶
The following materials are subject to an open source release obligation:
- source code;
- database structure;
- scripts or other materials required for installation in a development or production environment;
- generic graphical assets (e.g. buttons, graphical elements);
- documentation for installation of dependencies, compilation (where applicable), commissioning.
The following materials are excluded from the release obligation:
- data used in production or processed with the developed software;
- specific graphical assets (e.g. company logos) for which the selected licence is not applicable.
Release of the code and organisation of the repository¶
The source code must be released in full and without omissions, so that a third party can, by following its documentation, compile (where applicable) and implement it without the need for modification. The names of variables, functions, classes and other symbols must be kept clear and understandable; likewise, the code must not be subjected to any compression (so-called minification) that impedes its readability. Any attempt to obfuscate shall be regarded as a breach of the release obligation.
Maximum attention MUST be paid to the readability of the code, which MUST be correctly indented and commented on at every step. A coherent and clean coding style is required. Some examples of conventions:
Modular architecture SHOULD be adopted, based on the division of the logic into specialised and individually reusable libraries, with defined and documented internal APIs in the code comments. In the event of integration of external libraries, package managers SHOULD be used, to facilitate maintenance and updating.
The open source release must not be just considered as an obligation to be carried out at the end of the process, but SHOULD be provided as early as the development phase, for example by structuring the software so that all the specifics of the awarding administration (names, addresses, servers) are modifiable through configuration files and that the software is ready for reuse by another party.
The repository MUST be organised with a clear and understandable directory structure, e.g. by separating documentation, libraries, executables, service scripts, test suites, etc. into separate directories.
README file¶
The repository must contain a file named containing:
- (MUST) the title of the repository and a descriptive subtitle;
- (MUST) extensive description of the repository in a language
understandable even by non-experts (avoid acronyms and technical
jargon), in particular:
- context of use and use cases;
- purpose of the software;
- screenshots (if the software has a graphical interface, including online);
- links to any institutional pages related to the project or context of use;
- (MUST) links to any additional documentation not included in this repository;
- (MUST) repository structure explanation for the benefit of potential contributors (directory and branch structure);
- (MUST) detailed list of prerequisites and dependencies (operating systems, libraries, frameworks, etc.) with explicit indication of any dependencies on commercial software;
- (MUST) installation instructions:
- procedure for installing requirements and dependencies;
- build system (if provided for by the project);
- commands for compilation or deployment, possibly automated by a script/Makefile (if provided for by the project);
- (MUST) an indication of the status of the project:
- alpha/beta/stable etc.;
- important limitations or known issues;
- (SHOULD) links to any continuous integration systems (TravisCI, CircleCI), code coverage and other metrics associated with the repository;
- (SHOULD) documentation on the possible use of systems to simplify and accelerate deployment in the development, testing and production environment (e.g. Docker images or other virtualisation systems with pre-configured image preparation);
- (MUST) names of copyright holders, i.e. the awarding administration;
- (MUST) names of the persons in charge of maintaining the open source project (the name of the company is required and the names of the persons in charge may be added);
- (MUST) email address to which security reports must be sent (specify that security reports must not be sent via the public issue tracker but must be sent confidentially to the aforementioned email address);
Documentation MUST be attached to the software for the following purposes:
- to install dependencies;
- to install a development environment from scratch (preferably accompanied by scripts, container images, Makefiles or other tools to make the operation fast);
- to compile the software (if applicable);
- to install the software in the production environment;
- to understand the software architecture (for the benefit of third parties who wish to reuse or integrate it).
The attached documentation MUST also follow the instructions on the release of technical documentation prescribed in the design guidelines for public administration web services (Content design section) and the Docs Italia guide, both published by AgID. The documentation must be written in a textual format that guarantees line by line versioning (for example, the following formats are allowed): HTML, Markdown, reStructuredText, LaTeX). Documentation in ODT, DOCX or PDF format is not allowed as these are formats with which it is not possible to define different versions ‘line by line’.
If the specifications also provide for the preparation of documentation on the use of the software for end-users (‘user manual’ or similar document), the release obligation also extends thereto. Binary formats are also allowed for such documentation, provided they are open, editable and cross-platform (PDF format is therefore excluded).
Release times¶
At the beginning of the process, the Responsible party agrees with the administration on the plan for the open source release of the software during development. The guidelines suggest that an open development model should be adopted, which provides for release from the outset, at the same time as the development. This model also allows other administrations to become aware of development activities, even before they are initially put into production, reducing the likelihood of two administrations developing similar software independently.
If an open source development model is not chosen, the open source release MUST be carried out within 15 days from the time of the acquisition of the software by the awarding administration at the end of the process, or from the time at which the software goes into testing or production, or by a request from the administration that may in any case be forwarded to the Responsible party at any stage. If the process is carried out in several batches, these release deadlines apply to each batch.
From the moment of release, any subsequent changes MUST be published in the repository in a timely manner, regardless of whether they are being tested or produced. In order to manage such release and testing flows, the Responsible party MAY use the branching functionalities offered by the selected version control system.
Bearing in mind that software security is an important issue to consider during the development cycle and that it will not be covered in this document, here are some basic principles on specific precautions to be adopted during the release process.
Passwords or certificates or other credentials related to real systems (including test systems) MUST be removed from the source code, using separate configuration files or blacklists in the version control system (e.g. a .gitignore or .hgignore file). If you wish to integrate the repository with an automatic deployment mechanism and therefore need to maintain the credentials, the secure encryption mechanisms provided for the code hosting platform and for the continuous integration systems adopted (e.g. git-crypt) may be used.
It is important to ensure that such credentials (API keys, secrets, passwords, … ) have not been mistakenly stored within the repository, not only in the current version but also in previous revisions.
Rewriting of algorithms already available in external open source libraries (e.g. encryption, input sanitisation, network protocols, XML parsing or other formats, memory management, etc.) MAY be avoided if possible.
All ‘dead’ (i.e. not used) code, MUST be removed because it could lead to confusion or be taken as maintained and incorrectly reintegrated without the necessary controls.
If the software is a web application exposed on a public network, or
contains web applications, a file formatted according to the
instructions found at SHOULD be
accessible for each installation at the following pathway -
. This file is aimed at
providing useful information to those who detect vulnerabilities and
intend to send security reports.
Registration of the repository on Developers Italia¶
As soon as the public repository has been opened, registration on Developers Italia MUST be carried out, to ensure that the repository is indexed and available in the search engine on the site.
Registration is a two-step process:
- Publication of a publiccode.yml file in the root directory of the repository. A ‘publiccode.yml’ file is a standard that identifies the project as ‘useful software for the public administration’, and at the same time provides a range of useful information for the assessment of the software for reuse. This file will be automatically detected by the Developers Italia crawler in order to generate the relative data sheet in the catalogue. Documentation on the format can be found here:
- Adding the code hosting tool to the search engine. In order to ensure that Developers Italia correctly identify the repository as belonging to the public administration, the code hosting tool (or rather, the ‘organisation’ within the same) must be registered the first time it is used, associating it with the public administration. The procedure to be followed is detailed here: